Phantom Abyss Secrets

Phantom Abyss Secrets

Blog Article

In Phantom Abyss, you compete with other players around the world to steal an idol from a temple filled with tough jumps, booby traps, and hidden keys.

A guide for my finds, as well as others so please comment anything you found that I might of not (1 person isn't as good at finding stuff as a cem) , like a whip + blessing combination or whatever it may be. It may be very bare bones right now, like litera...

For the average joe who wants something to play after work, I can’t see it holding much long-term interest. It’ll certainly entertain you for a few nights, and you might even tell some friends about it, such is the novelty of the experience. But it all felt a bit surface-deep for me.


Blessings range from adding extra heart containers and healing damage taken, to movement-enhancing power-ups such as a post-jump glide, and longer whip reach. Activating blessings costs more with each subsequent redemption, adding a compelling risk-reward element. While some treasure chests are easy to find, many are hidden away in areas requiring dextrous platforming skills to reach, or take precious time away from avoiding an in-pursuit guardian.


Phantom Abyss is a massive asynchronous multiplayer game that casts players into procedurally-generated temples and tasks them with retrieving the sacred relics hidden within deadly chambers.

Of course you can also use the thunder whip to run like Usain Bolt and leave him in the dirt, but even with it don't assume you'll never be bothered by him, especially if you try to go for chests.

in the current version the whip has a 3 level challenge to complete then you have the new whip. And the whip power isn't even exclusive to the whip, for some of them the power can be obtained at upgrade statues that are at Phantom Abyss the end (sometimes begging) of a level.

Phantom Abyss is a massive asynchronous multiplayer game that casts players into procedurally-generated temples and tasks them with retrieving the sacred relics hidden within deadly chambers. Intrepid adventurers will dodge scores of hidden traps, leap treacherous chasms, and flee relentless guardians through branching paths until one of the relics are claimed or the devices of death overwhelm them. Be warned, you only get one attempt at each temple and failure or settling for a lesser relic means you will never see that temple again...The cleverest players will use the phantom runs of failed attempts from other players to their advantage and avoid the missteps and mistakes that led to their doom.

With the Ice Whip, however, so long as you have the Icy Feet curse still enabled, you can use the momentum of your slide to boost your horizontal distance. Slide, let go of all keys and then quickly crouch and jump while you still have momentum.

Destiny has dark secrets in store as pirates pick up the trail of an old foe. Prevent a prophecy and save the seas from ruin in ‘The Herald of the Flame’, Sea of Thieves’

Phantom is a weapon in Neon Abyss. It shoots regular bullets at an extremely low fire rate with only a magazine size of 3. However, it can slow down time for a short period, most useful fighting the later bosses.

Unlock new whips to choose from before venturing into your next temple. Each whip carries a powerful blessing but also a curse that may complicate your attempt at riches and glory.

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